We believe in practicing daily gratitude, so this little rewards program is our way of saying "thank you". Formerly known as Salty Rewards!
(Originally, we thought we'd just reach out to each of you everyday to say it, but our focus group said that'd be creepy and annoying, so this is the next best thing.)
Earning Rewards
You'll automatically earn rewards based on specific activities you complete, and you don't even have to sign up to get it started. Of course, you can opt out of the Sukhino Rewards program anytime by logging into your account and turning it off (under the Profile Overview), but that's sort of like telling your sweet grandmother "no thank you" when she bakes your favorite pie...
Just a note... rewards are subject to change or be cancelled at any time without notice. We try to be decent humans who do the right thing though, so hopefully you'll always love those changes. Another note... some categories do have caps, so once you max out in a category, you won't rack up any more until the next month or year, depending on the item.
Redeeming for Prizes
You can use the app or your online profile to redeem some prizes, and some may require you to contact us. Below is a list of all the goodies for which you can use those glorious points you've been earning.​
100% off a
sukhino sticker
Show off your love for Sukhino
make it 90
add 15 minutes to your next float
(already free for members!)
The Float
tank cure
This book about float therapy could be yours for 400 points!
2 free credits
redeem your points for 2 free credits!
4 free credits
redeem your points for 4 free credits!
$50 to your favorite charity
We'll donate to a local non-profit of your choice, in your name.